Motherhood Tessa Kirby Motherhood Tessa Kirby

I'm Giving Up On The Mess

I often feel like I'm suffocating in my own mess, you know the physical kind of mess. The mess that is endless piles of laundry, dishes, and diapers; the mess that reappears suddenly after every clean up.

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Motherhood Tessa Kirby Motherhood Tessa Kirby

Communicating Rest With Your Spouse

Rest is essential for your well being; Not the, pop down on the couch for a hot minute while your two year old drinks his chocolate milk kind of rest though. I'm talking about the kind of rest that truly rejuvenates your spirit, leaves you filled up, and ready to take on the next day. THAT is true rest.

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Motherhood Tessa Kirby Motherhood Tessa Kirby

I Live In Perfect Squares But My Life Is Far From Perfect

You know those tiny squares that we constantly look through each day; the squares that make up thousands of beautiful pictures, each possessing some version of timeless perfection. Ya, those. Today, as I scrolled through them I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy rise up inside me as I scanned the room before me; seeing a mound of unfolded laundry, beside it, a combination of miscellaneous toys that in no way belonged together and snack wrappers, and dirt.

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