The Blog

Tessa Kirby Tessa Kirby

How To Craft The Perfect Woodland Tablescape: In A Pinch

I wanted to be able to seamlessly tie in the winter greenery without overwhelming the merchandise that needed to be displayed. So what did I do? Well...I took a quick trip into the woods to see what I could scrounge up of course! And I'm glad I did too!

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Tessa Kirby Tessa Kirby

DIY Fun Green Wreaths

For a long time I have wanted to buy a couple of fern wreaths to brighten up my living room but I could never get myself to pay the price they are asking for in the stores. Like I’ve mentioned in my previous DIY blog, I am somewhat of a bargain shopper, so anything that looks like it can easily be made BUT has an overpriced tag attached to it gives me a bad taste in my mouth. I recently ran across a fellow DIY-er that blogged about how she made her own wreath and I thought….what the heck, I’m going to give it a try. And once I started I couldn’t stop! The process is so easy AND not to mention affordable, I had to share it with the rest of you!

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Tessa Kirby Tessa Kirby

DIY Succulent Terrariums for Your Home

I LOVE trying new things for my home...especially when it comes to redecorating or adding some color to my space! I recently saw a great way to add some green to your home and couldn't help but try it myself! I've had a couple people ask me how I made these fun succulent terrariums so I thought I'd share a mini "how-to" for the rest of you to enjoy as well! 

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