DIY Succulent Terrariums for Your Home

I LOVE trying new things for my home...especially when it comes to redecorating or adding some color to my space! I recently saw a great way to add some green to your home and couldn't help but try it myself! I've had a couple people ask me how I made these fun succulent terrariums so I thought I'd share a mini "how-to" for the rest of you to enjoy as well! 

I first started by searching at Michael's Craft store for some cool and affordable glass jars. If you know me, you know I'm always looking for a deal! Luckily I was at Michael's on the right day because I practically STOLE these fun, and sleek glass jars for $2.99-4.99 each! Can you say BARGAIN!?  

I then visited our local garden shop, Prairie Gardens, where I picked up these fun decorative rocks. I purchased two bags of deco rocks ($4.99/e.) but only ended up using one (I'm sure that second bag will come in handy sometime). I also purchased some faux spanish moss (2.99) and most importantly... the SUCCULENTS, I got lucky again and found my four succulents on sale for $2.99/e.

You're also going to need some potting soil for this project...I had already bought some earlier in the season so I was set on that front. Like I said...I'm a bargain shopper so I bought the cheapest potting soil (Miracle Grow) for $5.99. Once I picked all that up I was ready to get to work. 

I started by laying my deco rock down first (approx. 2 in), then I laid down my faux spanish moss, you can use real moss as well but this route was easier for me, (approx 1-2 in. pressed down). After that I added in my potting soil, the amount really depends on the size of the root of your succulent so gauge it how you will. When repotting your succulents its important to expose the root, so try to gently break away all of that dirt that surrounds it. When placing it in its new home, you might have to use a spoon to create a hole in your potting soil (since getting your hands in those jars is a bit tight). Once you've placed it in the hole you've created, carefully push/press the soil around it so it becomes set and secure. And VOILA, you have it! 

Once you're finished wipe off any excess dirt with a damp cloth and you're good to go

What I love about succulents is that it takes even the WORST green thumb to keep these plants alive! Just spray these beautiful plants once and day and you're good to go!

If you have any questions, comment below!!! Happy Gardening!!!


Tessa Kirby
I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. And I am a lover of all things made new. I focus on taking something old and bringing it to life again, with an additional emphasis in typography. I believe that words have a way of changing the atmosphere.

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