Motherhood Tessa Kirby Motherhood Tessa Kirby

Striving To Thrive: Made Like Martha

I felt the more I did, the more I accomplished and the more I accomplished the more I became. Every time an opportunity arose I saw it as a way for me to establish myself that much more. And it didn’t matter how many babies I had during that time, I still allowed that lie that told me I was never enough to run my life. 

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Motherhood Tessa Kirby Motherhood Tessa Kirby

Is Your Past Determining Your Future?

This episode is packed full of vulnerable moments about life before our marriage, sex, failures, misconceptions, and unbelief. In this message, I bear it all from my life before marriage to the many struggles me and my husband faced as young newlyweds and soon to be parents.

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Motherhood Tessa Kirby Motherhood Tessa Kirby

I'm Giving Up On The Mess

I often feel like I'm suffocating in my own mess, you know the physical kind of mess. The mess that is endless piles of laundry, dishes, and diapers; the mess that reappears suddenly after every clean up.

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Lifestyle Tessa Kirby Lifestyle Tessa Kirby

Addicted To Affirmation

If you've been following my Instagram stories lately you've seen that I've been struggling with this whole "influencer" game. Over the past couple of months as I've dedicated my mornings to hearing God's voice I began to feel a shift within me.

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