Our New Home: Wild, Wonderful, & Perfectly In Process

Bear with me friends as I know this is NOT my usual Sunday routine! I just could not get a video out in time this week for the life of me. My excuse? Well I have many :) But I'll stick with the basic..."trying to get my head on straight" one for now. Instead I thought I'd take you through our wild, wonderful, and perfectly in process home since I've only ever shown it on Facebook live!

I chose the title of today's blog post, Our New Home: Wild, Wonderful, & Perfectly In Process, for a couple reasons and I wanted to share them with you so that you could in return understand the state of our life right now. At church today, the speaker was talking about our lives and how at most times we feel like we are in this constant state of "mess;" and we're always just trying to "straighten" ourselves out, to "figure out" whatever the heck we're supposed to be doing and in the process we don't just stop to see how truly beautiful our lives are. To us, our lives are never perfect, they're never put together enough, never simple enough, grand enough, fruitful enough. WE'RE NEVER GOOD ENOUGH. 

But when God see's us and when He looks at our lives He see's them as "wild, wonderful, and perfectly in process;" He sees them as GOOD. And so, that is what I'm clinging to right now as I live life in a make-shift kitchen in the basement while we work on our dream one; while I take the pieces of our old home and bring them back to life in our new one; while I spend countless moments with my children trying to figure out a new routine in a disheveled house; and while I work tirelessly to bring my dreams to life. It doesn't seem at all to be going the way I'd hoped or imagined, but it doesn't matter, because the way that God sees it and the way HE intended it to be is wild, wonderful, & perfectly in process. 

So here is a look into our new home...remember, since these pictures have been taken we have successfully taken off all the carpet throughout the entire house and refinished all the ORIGINAL hardwood floors (built in the 1920s). 

Our New Home: Wild, Wonderful, & Perfectly In Process

(From top-bottom: dining room, kids room, office)

*Closer look of the office

*Living room/entry way/stairway

*Master bedroom

*Justus's Bedroom

*Rozalyn's Room

*Eliza's Room

*Upstairs bathroom/laundry room

*Living room & kitchen (that is no gutted and nonexistent). 

*Downstairs bathroom

That's all folks! Don't worry I'll be catching up soon to show you the "after's" of our amazing floors because they look to die for! In the mean time, stay up to date with my YouTube channel where I post new videos each Sunday (except for today) :) 

xoxo, Tessa

P.S. watch our most recent videos below!

Tessa Kirby
I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. And I am a lover of all things made new. I focus on taking something old and bringing it to life again, with an additional emphasis in typography. I believe that words have a way of changing the atmosphere.

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