Peach Cobbler + What I’m Learning In The Kitchen
I made a goal with myself at the beginning of the summer that since I was stepping down from design a bit (read more about that HERE), I wanted to challenge myself in the kitchen. So here are a few things I’ve tried and also LOVED!
Bread Making -
I have been wanting to make some homemade bread for a while now and I finally just made myself do it. I found a quick and easy beginners guide to making a no-knead loaf of bread and it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Plus my kids LOVED it!
Pickled Jalapeños -
I don’t know what has come over me since turning 30 but I am so in love with jalapeños - something I swore I’d never like in my youth! LOL! - but one day while trying to decide what to make for dinner, I flipped open to a recipe in my Vol.1 Magnolia cookbook for pickled jalapeños and was like… “that looks easy enough!” It totally was and has been the best addition to our summer time cooking routine. Plus I have extras to give away as gifts and that has been so fun!
Jalapeño Pork Tenderloin -
With the above ingredients now in my arsenal I set out on trying a second recipe from that above mentioned cookbook and when I say it was a SMASHING success, that is a large understatement! You use some of the brine from the pickled jalapeños mixed with Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and some other spices and marinate your meat in that all day. It’s not one bit spicy and gives the meat the best flavor. I’d say you should get the cookbook just for that recipe alone!
Sourdough Starter -
I am jumping on the sourdough trend band wagon and I have no idea what I’m doing but we are rolling with it! My sweet cousin sent me a packet of sourdough starter and I have successfully created a bubbling mass of … sourdough starter…? I’m not even sure what to refer to what I have as and I’m not sure what I need to discard or whatever it is your supposed to do but I hear you can do lots LOL. I’m laughing at my candidness as I type this because truly I am as beginner as they come and actually get mad when I keep seeing recipes referring to measurements in GRAMS! Like what the heck are those! I need cups and teaspoons people! Anyway, I keep you posted on that front soon!
Now for the recipe you probably came to this blogpost for! The peach cobbler! It’s actually called “Grandma’s Peach Cobbler.” Which is why I picked it to make! I love my peach cobbler to have more of a breading versus a granola topping so that’s why I chose this specific recipe! I’ll link the original recipe HERE but you can also find it below along with a couple of my notes!
Grandma’s Peach Cobbler
• 2 cups sugar, divided
• 1 cup self-rising flour
• 1 cup milk
• 1 1/2 sticks butter, divided
• 2 cups fruit of choice, peeled and chopped (apples, peaches, berries, etc.) - *I ended up doing a lot more than 2 cups. I peeled and cut up 6-8 fresh peaches for my recipe.
• Cinnamon to taste - * I’m not a huge cinnamon fan so I just sprinkled a tiny bit at the end.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 X 13 pan and set aside.
Mix 1 cup sugar and flour together in a bowl. Melt 1 stick butter and add to mixture. Add milk to mixture and stir until lumps are gone. Pour batter into greased pan.
Add chopped fruit over top of batter.
Add remaining 1 cup of sugar evenly over top of fruit.- *1 cup of sugar seemed a little excessive for this recipe so I did about 1/2 cup of sugar on top.
Cube the remaining 1/2 stick of butter, place randomly over top of sugar, and sprinkle with cinnamon.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
When I found the Sloan sofa from Interior Define I was immediately sold. And you can read why I love this sofa and a few other of the accent pieces I picked up here…