Our Home!

As we begin to move into our newly purchased home and start our kitchen renovation process I cannot help but think that I am so glad to have captured such pure and playful pictures in the openness before it fills with clutter. I cannot thank my amazing friend and photographer Alisa enough. She is so incredibly good at taking what I have envisioned in my head and capturing it in photographs.I am so grateful for you! Check out the never before seen pictures that weren't posted in my blog "We Bought A House: Our God Story!"

Little man exploring his new room!

Ever since Rozalyn was a little baby her daddy loved throwing her around and teaching her how to balance on one foot while standing in his hand way up in the air. The way that she looks at him makes me melt.

Exploring the "hidden" bedrooms down the hallway.

Becoming a parent is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling jobs I will ever have. Watching something grow and mature is so beautiful and knowing that you played a part in that is so gratifying. Little Justus is such a joy. I have never met a more laid back, content child in my life. He reminds me of patience everyday and for that I am extremely grateful.

Getting tossed around. Her favorite pass time!

We love this big picture window in the living room. It adds so much light and color to our new space. Can't wait to see how it brightens up our space post kitchen reno!

We feel so blessed to be able to call this home ours.

**To see more of Alisa's work check out her Facebook page or follow her on Instagram!

Tessa Kirby
I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. And I am a lover of all things made new. I focus on taking something old and bringing it to life again, with an additional emphasis in typography. I believe that words have a way of changing the atmosphere.

Our Fixer Upper...REVEALED


We Bought A House: Our God Story!