Major Life Edit: I’m Done With The Rat Race

Major Life Edit: I'm Done With The Rat Race

It’s weird to sit down and think about articulating the seemingly swirling inner thoughts of my heart; Something I used to do quite efficiently 7 years ago when I first started a little blogging platform that catapulted all of “this” that you see before you today.

I never dreamed that I would actually be here…7 years ago, right after having our second child, I sat in our little condo living room, watching my two year old play while I nursed the baby, dreaming of renovating homes with my husband (Guy). I remember thinking the dream was so big, so beautiful and it was all I wanted.

When I first set my sights on design, I loved how I could use it as a way to emphasize my creative heart, to express the beauty I longed to see around me daily. It wasn’t until others started asking me to help them in their own homes that I even considered doing this professionally. Before that, being a SAHM was all I ever wanted to be, I saw the sacredness & security of being home; cultivating spaces and relationships with the people I love most.

As I shared my life and home online, I began to recognize an insecurity and restlessness rise up in me; one that perpetually grew & grew as I gave away more of my time and attention to it. I began hearing voices that told me, “you won’t ‘make it’ until you have ‘x’ amount of followers” and “if you post this many times a week you’ll get noticed” and “if you just spend a little more time engaging you’ll get more ‘likes.’”

And if that wasn’t enough, the messaging of hustle culture, “fake it till you make it,” and you can “do it all” mentality took up the most space within my innermost thoughts. So much so that every nap time, bedtime, weekend, and spare second gave way to making this “dream” a reality. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I had forgotten what I was doing this for anymore.

So why am I saying all of this you’re probably wondering?

Well…in part because I think it’s important that we address a very real issue with the messaging that we are presenting to women. And largely because I wanted to announce that I am doing a major edit of my life and deciding to take a BIG step back from social media and the content creation that comes with it.

I want to be more intentional about where I am spending my time and what I’m giving my attention to. I want my kids to get an unedited version of me too; to experience the raw, unfiltered version of me all the time. I want to be present; To let my house be messy, to go on the school field trip, to sit around the table at night without stressing about another deadline. And ultimately to give myself permission to stop living in the constant comparison trap I set for myself each day.

I’m sure some of you are probably already thinking, “aren’t you worried about how this is going to affect your business?” And to that I say, NOPE. I’m fully prepared to slow down and honestly, I welcome that. I want to slow down. I want to create space for rest, intentionality, and relationships. I want to fully invest in being a mom and be ok with that maybe being my only vocation. *Gasp!

This business isn’t the “end game” for me - and while that may seem backwards in our Capitalist society, I’ve realized that I don't need to have a big name to be successful or even to be known. None of those things define who I am and it’s time I start editing out the things in my life to reflect that.

What you can expect moving forward: I’ll probably post very randomly on social media but if you want to stay up to date with what we’re doing, be sure to be following us here, on the blog to stay up to date. I want to continue using this as a place where we showcase any projects we’ve got going on.

Tessa Kirby
I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. And I am a lover of all things made new. I focus on taking something old and bringing it to life again, with an additional emphasis in typography. I believe that words have a way of changing the atmosphere.

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